Please feel free to contact any member of the township with questions or concerns.
Township Administrator: Jeff Wright
Phone: (513) 683-8520
Daily Responsibilities: Administrator Jeff Wright oversees the daily operations of the Township at the direction of the Board of Trustees. The Township Administration consists of Finance, Human Resources, Zoning, Economic Development, Cemeteries, and Parks. Mr. Wright makes recommendations for adoption to the Board and has a primary duty to enforce and execute the policies and resolutions approved by the Board of Trustees.
Update from State Auditor’s Office on Fraud Reporting:
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 117.103 requires all public employers to notify employees of the methods of reporting fraud, including doing so anonymously. Tips or complaints of fraud in Ohio’s governments may be made at any time by any public employee or private citizen. Fraud may be reported by using the Auditor of State’s website, U.S. Mail, the Auditor of State’s Fraud Hotline, and the Ohio Stops Fraud iPhone app.
U.S. Mail or Call the Fraud Hotline
1-866-FRAUD OH (1-866-372-8364)
Ohio Auditor of State’s Office
Special Investigations Unit
88 East Broad Street
P.O. Box 1140
Columbus, OH 43215
Also established in ORC §117.103 is a public log of fraud reports, which includes the date of the report, the entity complained of, the nature of the complaint and the status of the review of the complaint.